TA Luft
TA-Luft stands for „Technische Anleitung zur Reinhaltung der Luft“ (= Technical Guideline for Air Quality Control) and is settled in the Bundesimmisionsschutzgesetz, BImSchG (= Federal Imission Protection Law) as first general administrative prescription. It provides with binding requirements for plants subject to autorisation on a federal unified level. Among all, the air quality control for which the limit values and inspection cycles is defined in the respective autorisation process. Prior to an original commissioning the official evidence must be shown that the limit values will be respected. By ongoing operation, combustion processes are often monitored by stationary measurement technique. Mobile flue gas analysis is a reference method for e.g. ascertaining the observance of the limit values e.g. prior to first commissioning. Additionally -also in ongoing operation– e.g. by decentralized flue gas analysis within a centralized continuous monitoring, the effiency of specific burners can be increased and herewith energy saving potentials can be realized.