ecom Keyfacts

EXTREM genau


The measurement precision of gas sensors (CO, NO, SO2) is determined and then adjusted in a calibration chamber which is heated up to 5, 20 and 40°C ambient temperature and simultaneously flown by normed span gases. Over- and low pressure are balanced by gas channels of a special design. High-value pressure sensors provide with a perfect measurement result. Measurement results produced by ecom instruments are – regardless of possible influencing factors – EXTREMELY precise.

EXTREMELY efficient

Time is money: This is also valid when seconds or even minutes can be saved by each of the many measurements performed per year. With up to five times more gas conveyance (2.6 litre/minute) compared with current analysers, ecom flue gas analysers provide quicker with the measurement results. ecom pressure meters also determine a leakage rate wihin just a few minutes – EXTREMELY efficient.


Hard shell (aluminium-framed transport case or hardtop case). Harder core! Nearly all ecom instruments are embedded in an ultralight aluminium housing and are herewith optimally protected against possible external forceful impacts. In daily use under tough ambient conditions ecom instruments are EXTREMELY robust.


The condensate monitoring system protects against humidity. An automatic CO switch-off (fresh air purge of CO sensor) without measurement interruption secures the longevity of the CO sensor.
ecom pressure instruments guide – especially by safety-related pressure checks – step by step thru the measurement and monitor the general conditions. Users should keep their focus on the proper job they need to perform – nothing else. Therefore ecom instruments are EXTREMELY safe.

EXTREMELY broad-reaching

ecom instruments communicate wireless: via Bluetooth, via WiFi (higher coverage, more stable connection) as well as via radio (highest coverage by most stable connection). And they can therefore be monitored by remote command (via Bluetooth and ecom-R remote monitor; via radio or via smartphone). Data can be transferred to a PC as well as to a smartphone. Apps (Android + iOS for WiFi transfer) as well as PC are basically free of charge and available for download. EXTREMELY broad-reaching.

EXTREMELY complete

ecom stands for performance. ecom instruments are designed and offered as a complete, ready-for-measurement package (instrument, sampling probe and tubing, case). They also cover printer paper and filters for the first weeks and months. As well as a high-value shoulder carrying strap. And last but not least PC software as well as Apps are free of charge. EXTREMELY complete.

EXTREMELY lossfree

Some gases alike NO2 and SO2  are extremely water-soluble. Condensate arises by sampling when the gas cools down and the dew point is achieved. In order to be able to measure the full concentration, the so-called NOX/SOX tubing offers two decisive advantages: the smaller diameter provides with a quicker conveyance of the sampled gas and the internal PTFE sleeve prevents humidity to settle down. This way the gas transport EXTREMELY lossfree.


The dryier, the better: for the analyser and its electronic components, for the sensors in the instrument but also mainly by gases alike NO2 and SO2  which are extremely water-soluble. A gas cooler cools the sampled gas continuously to 5°C down – a process which is electronically monitored. Collected condensate can be – depending on model automatically – evacuated. EXTREMELY dry = EXTREMELY cool.