The smart Solution

ecom xRE – Read-out head for digital firing automates


✔ Reliable

Thanks to a variety of readout data as well as automatic detection of the burner controller type

✔ Efficient

Thanks to quick identification of the error source and targeted troubleshooting

✔ Comfortable

Thanks to backlit, easy-to-read display

ecom xRE Auslesekopf für digitale Feuerungsautomaten

Reading out of operating states and errors on digital burner controllers


Everyone experienced it, burner failure – what´s next? Where to start and where to stop searching for the cause?
Fault diagnosis on digital burner controllers is no problem with the ecom read-out head.
Important information is supplied by the burner as flashing codes on the reset button and can be rad out with the ecom xRE.
The readout head can also be connected to an ecom flue gas analyser an to the e.CLOUD by ecom .
Anzeige Feuerungsautomat: DKO 972 / 22

Automatic detection of the burner controller type.

Display of the burner operating status.

Measurement of the flame signal and comparison with the minimum value.

Check for delay in flame formation.

Display of current error.

Display of the past errors including frequency.

Determination of the number of burner starts.

Report on all relevant control times.

Prepared for e.CLOUD connectivity but also connectible to a flue gas analyser


Also usable as standalone solution thanks to the integrated display


Suitable for

    • Honeywell-Satronic (DKG, DKO, DKW, DMO, DMG, DLG, DVI, DIO, SH, SG incl. the N Version )
    • Siemens-Landis & Staefa (LMG, LMO)